Harp Loans are here
HARP loans are here! Is your home value upside down? Do you owe more than your home is worth? No problem! You may be qualified to take advantage of a new government sponsored loan designed to provide refinancing to primary residence homeowners who owe more on their mortgage than their home is worth. Refinance today to lower your interest rate and monthly mortgage payments. Start saving money now with a HARP home mortgage loan.
Before these new government sponsored programs recently became available, if the mortgage balance on your home was greater than the value of your home, refinancing was not available. For example, if the interest rate on your mortgage loan was 6% and the current interest rates were 4.5%, you could not take advantage of the lower rates by refinancing if your home was worth less than the mortgage amount. You were not eligible to refinance because your loan to value ratio was over 100% and the loan programs did not allow loan to value ratios of over 100%. Now, that has all changed! If you otherwise qualify for the loan you can refinance to the currently available and historically low interest rates by refinancing under the HARP loan program to lower you payments and start saving money!
Call today for a FREE consultation to see if you qualify for this money saving new program -941-795-7525.
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